What is Contego?
Contego is Latin for “to shield, defend, or protect.”
Contego Intumescent Fire Barrier Paint is an opaque white, single component water-based intumescent latex coating designed to protect a wide range of building materials.
This includes structural steel, aluminum, dimensional lumber, manufactured wood products, trusses, drywall, spray polyurethane foam insulation, HDPE wall panels, concrete, plaster, solid core doors and more.
- Download CONTEGO Technical Data Sheet
- Download CONTEGO Safety Data Sheet
- Download Test Report BS 476 Part 6 – Method of Test for Fire Propogation for Products
- Download Test Report BS 476 Part 7 – Method for Classification of The Surface Spread of Flame of Products
- Download Test Report BS 476 Part 21 – Method for Determination of Fire Resistance of Load Bearing Elements
- Download BSS 7239-88 – Test Method for Toxic Gas Generation by Materials on Combustion

How does Contego Work?
Contego expands under heat to form a thick layer of hard char, shielding the substrate underneath from direct fire.
By forming a barrier, Contego prevents the fire from having access to more fuel to burn. At the same time, it slows down the heat gain of the substrate underneath.
Watch the videos on the right to see a demonstration of how effective even a thin coat of Contego can be in protecting wood, or even thin aluminium.
Demonstration of burning a wooden paddle coated with Contego
Demonstration of burning a aluminium can coated with Contego
Why Choose Contego?
Many high-rise buildings today have a structural steel skeleton.
Although steel does not burn, it can lose its load bearing capability under high heat, causing them and buckle or collapse, with disastrous consequences for the stability of the building it is supporting.
A number of measures can be taken to protect steel from fire. These generally include encasing in concrete, or boxing within fire-resistant panels.
However many designers these days prefer to showcase the steel skeletons of buildings – and for this, passive intumescent coatings such as Contego are ideal.
On top of that, Contego is non-toxic, beautifully thin, amazingly affordable, and incomparably reliable. To ensure the quality of Contego intumescent fire barrier paint and its support of global fire resistance standards, Contego USA is also ISO 9001:2008 Registered and ETA 16/0160 Certified.
When steel heats up to 535°C, it loses half its strength – it softens, and deforms.
All of a sudden, the beam supporting 200 tons of weight can only hold up half of that amount, putting the structure at risk of collapsing.
Unfortunately, even in common house fires, temperatures can go as high as 1,000°C
Contego Can be Applied on Various Substrates
Contego intumescent fire barrier paint can be applied to virtually any substrate, so it has a wide range of applications.
Painted Surfaces
Contego is Beautifully Thin
Early generations of fire proofing materials are thick, heavy, foul-smelling, extremely toxic and difficult to apply. Their papier-mâché finish is unsightly and makes the building unattractive.
Some cellulose based, cementitious, and mastic coatings are very heavy, and adds on to the structural loading of the steel.
To make matters worse, some of the these materials must be applied directly onto the steel, and not over a primer coat. This leaves the unprimed steel vulnerable to rust, and the boric salts and other components present in the material actually accelerates the formation of rust.
Once rust is formed, it doesn’t stop, and nothing adheres to the loose rust particles. Over time, entire sections of the fire proofing material can delaminate and fall off, creating another hazard in itself.
Contego has none of these problems.

Other materials are thick & ugly

They also have poor adhesion

Contego is super thin, and sticks well
Contego is Easy to Apply and Clean Up

Contego can be applied using brush, roller or spray, with spraying being the most preferred way to apply as it can deposit substantial amount of required thickness in 1 go.
No special equipment is required, any airless spray gun with 2,400 psi and a .25 tip will do.
It can also be cleaned up easily using water.
No smelly solvents or thinners required!
Contego has Superior Adhesion
Your project isn’t safe if your fireproofing doesn’t stay on.
When intumescent coatings are activated, they expand many times their original thickness. 1mm of coating could expand to as much as 40 or 45mm .
Without strong adhesion, the coating can fall off when it expands; exposing the steel underneath to the full brunt of the fire and heat.
Contego has superior adhesion tested according to the ASTM D4541-09e1 Standard.
Contego has Zero VOC
Contego has ZERO VOC (Volatile Organic Content) ratings when tested according to the ASTM D2369 Standard, and passes the EN ISO 16000-10 Standard for non-detection of VOC and Formaldehyde.
As a result, Contego meets all the Benchmarks for LEED certification, and the WELL Standard.*
*The WELL Building Standard® is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing.
Contego is Non-Toxic When Burnt
Traditionally, most fire retardant paint formulas were toxic, carcinogenic, and laced with high concentrations of VOCs. Those products are poisonous in the can and on the surface. This translates to very toxic materials being released when it is burnt. As if the fire and the smoke isn’t bad enough to deal with!
The reason for these unhealthy toxic problems is simple. The components that make various fireproofing technologies work— whether cellulosic spray-on materials, cementitious products, mastics or intumescents— are inherently unhealthy.
Do we really want to use this obsolete technology in our hospitals, schools, commercial & residential buildings?
Contego is formulated to have none of these problems. We measured toxicity native in the can as well as in a burn condition using a cone colorimeter using the BSS 7239-88 Test Standard, and the results show that Contego is completely non-toxic. No other product comes close!
Pollutants generated indoors can lead to a variety of symptoms and health conditions.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), combustion byproducts and airborne particulate matter are known to trigger nausea, headaches, asthma, respiratory irritation and allergies.
While ambient outdoor air is often better quality, natural ventilation methods, operable doors and windows, and general building envelope infiltration can diminish indoor air quality if external air quality parameters are poor
– WELL Standard
Contego is tested by Recognized Laboratories
All of Contego’s tests are performed by the finest and most recognized fire testing laboratories, which are ILAC audited, accredited, and certified.
Contego is the only intumescent paint manufacturer to use triple redundant quality control of batches using spectrofluoroscopic FTIR analysis to map the chemical signature.
This provides assurance that what was tested is what you will be getting for your projects, so you can expect them to perform similarly.
On top of that, all steel testings are done to nine stated standards simultaneously – UL, ULc, ASTM, NFPA, UBC, ANSI and CEN, ISO and BSS for the international markets served.
The results give invaluable insights to how long various materials can withstand burning when coated with Contego.
Test Standard: | ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials |
Description: | 635 Microns of Contego is applied on 3.175mm thick HSS 4.00 x .250 Aluminum Columns for this test conducted at Guardian Fire Testing Laboratories Inc. |
Results: | The columns lasted 54:00. The average temperature of the columns went up to 639℃ |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials |
Description: | 1270 Microns of Contego is applied on 3.175mm thick HSS 4.00 x .250 Aluminum Columns for this test conducted at Guardian Fire Testing Laboratories Inc. |
Results: | The columns lasted 2:04:00. The average temperature of the columns went up to 473℃ |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials |
Description: | 650 Microns of Contego is applied on a standard U-338 assembly using 1/2” GWB on both sides of a clear pine stud wall 16” on center for this test conducted at Southwest Research Institite |
Results: | The board was already certified to last for 30 minutes. However, with two coats of Contego applied, the assembly went for 1:25:15, adding over 55 minutes to the gypsum |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | EN 13501-1:2007 Fire Classification of construction products and building elements |
Description: | 650 Microns of Contego is applied on bottom and 4 sides of 700 kg/m3 (D) wood chipboard for this test
conducted at Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (Poland) |
Results: | A2FL,s1,d0 Wood Classification |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | ASTM E84 – 18b Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials |
Description: | 450 Microns of Contego is applied on 24 sqft of Douglas Fir for this test conducted at Underwriters Laboratories |
Results: | Flame Spread Index 0, Smoke Developed Index 0 |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | ASTM E84 – 04 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials |
Description: | 520 Microns of Contego is applied on 24 sqft of Orientated Strand Board for this test conducted at Intertek |
Results: | Flame Spread Index 10, Smoke Developed Index 10 |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | EN 13823:2002 Reaction to fire tests for building products |
Description: | 500 Microns of Contego is applied on 40mm of PU foam for this test conducted at Southwest Research Institite |
Results: | The sample was protected for 20 minutes with no falling specimen parts, no smoke, no backing board failure, and no distortion/collapse of the specimen |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials |
Description: | 1.5 – 1.7 mm of Contego is applied on beams and decking with 4” of concrete. The concrete was then loaded with an additional 1038 lbs using hydraulic jacks for this test conducted by Intertek |
Results: | The test went to 174 minutes restrained for the lighter beams and decking and 176 minutes for the heavier sections |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials |
Description: | This was a test of various structural steel column sizes with different coating thicknesses conducted by Intertek |
Results: | The lightest of the series was a W8x31 with only 1.3mm of Contego, which lasted just over 1 hour
The heaviest specimen, a W12x106 with 1.9mm of Contego never failed |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Test Standard: | BS 476 Part 21 Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction |
Description: | I/H section beams are exposed to fire in the range of 350 to 750°C for periods up to 120 minute conducted by Exova Warrington Fire |
Results: | 3.55 mm of Contego is able to protect 406 x 178 x 67 mm I beam for 120 min
4.22 mm of Contego is able to protect 203 x 203 x 60 mm H column for 120 min |
Download: | Click here to download the test report |
Contego Offers Real Life Proof of Performance
Still unconvinced after all the test reports? Neither are we.
We put Contego under the ultimate test – a real, live simulation of a fire, under the supervision of the Fire Department.
Contego is painted on half of this abandoned farm house. Bales of straw are then placed throughout the place and set on fire.
- At 4 minutes, the unprotected half of the house is assessed to be “unsurvivable”.
- At 7 minutes, the entire interior of the house is engulfed in flames.
- At 20 minutes, the fire has spread to the exterior of the house along the unprotected roof. In urban areas, 20 minutes is barely enough time for fire fighters to arrive at the scene.
- At 40 minutes, substantial parts of the house has collapsed, but the half coated with Contego is still standing.
- One hour later, only the parts of the house coated with Contego is left standing.
Seeing is believing, so click on the videos and see the results for yourself!
Contego has been Successfully Used in these Projects all over the World
Shanghai Center

Saudi Arabia Railway

Museo de Arte de Ponce

Halley Research Station